Taking control helps in uncertain times

No sooner were we into a fresh year and getting back to our (new) old routines than we got thrown the first curveball of 2021 and another national lockdown.

While so many of us were glad to see the back of 2020, the reality is this year didn’t set off with the best of news.

Tier systems, lockdowns, school closures, social distancing and remote working. Those all too familiar topics from 2020 were to the fore as thoughts turned to life after the festive break.

Coronavirus dominated lives like nothing else last year. Unfortunately it will continue to throw a shadow over 2021 – albeit we can now count on a working vaccine making a positive difference this year.

But we’re conditioned enough about this virus and its restrictive nature to know that we’re in for a tough period before we can begin to shake off its tentacles.

Many people are starting the new year with problems either caused or exacerbated by the pandemic.

January is often a time for reigning in the spending after indulging and relaxing over Christmas and the New Year. The financial concerns caused by covid-related business collapse, unemployment or furlough only heap on the pressure.

Those same changes in circumstance may mean couples spending much more time together than normal. This is no blessing for those whose relationships were already struggling. It can concentrate issues that in more regular times weren’t viewed as problems.

Divorce advice 

January is seen as a new beginning. Those who have struggled in an unhappy relationship for some time often make resolutions to make a fresh start.

This is something we see every year. But we understand while this is the norm for us, it will probably be something new for you.

Our own New Year resolution is the same each year. To ensure we continue to offer those thinking about separation or divorce the best practical advice, help them make sense of a process they probably know little about and to always have their best interests as our focus.

Striking out on your own in the new year is not the same as being alone. If you’ve decided you need to make a change then take professional advice to understand your legal rights and obligations in divorce and set off on the right footing.

No one can confidently predict how things will turn out in 2021. But taking charge of what we can control is a pretty good start to the year.

→ Here’s a link to our different levels of service.

→ Refuge, the National Domestic Abuse helpline, is open 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247 or visit https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk.