After a very long winter, the need to open the windows, hang out the washing and carry out a thorough spring clean is strong.
After being cooped up for months, our homes are well overdue a sort out. But what’s the best way of carrying out a spring clean?
Jaycloth Cleaning is here to spill the beans on the best spring cleaning tips. Get your duster ready – this is how to get your house shining like a new pin in no time!

The first stage of any spring clean is to clear out everything in your home you don’t need or want. ‘Stuff’ can easily accumulate in a busy household. A declutter not only gets rid of unnecessary stuff, it also frees up so much space!
Toys, clothes, paperwork, broken furniture, old bed linen and towels – you’ll be surprised at how much you have in your home that takes up space and never gets used.
This job will involve trips to charity shops and the tip – and may even take up a whole day in itself – but it is extremely cleansing for you and your home.

The next stage is to move as many things as possible away from the walls – TV sets, sofas, beds, toy boxes etc. This will allow you access to parts of the room that haven’t been looked at in months. Balls of dust, lost toys, coins and detritus will all be uncovered here! Rugs should be taken outside if it’s a dry day, and hung to air. If you have dust sheets, drape them over furniture and upholstery now.

Clocks, pictures, ornaments, candlesticks, bowls – anything small and on mantelpieces and window sills, should be boxed up and put aside. If you have an extra pair of hands to help, delegate them to wipe them down, clean the frames etc.

When you’ve cleared your home a little, you should have a bit more space which makes a vast improvement on things. Begin the clean with dusting – this needs to be done throughout the whole house in one go. This will allow dust to fall everywhere so you can vacuum or brush it all up. Starting high, with the picture rails, frames, curtain poles, door ledges and move down until you reach the floor.

At this point, we’d recommend putting a wash on – filled with bedding, cushion covers, bath mats, shower curtains and anything you can remove and wash. If you’re a perfectionist, you might even want to take your curtains to the dry cleaners and get them professionally spring cleaned.

The vacuum will have worked hard in your house by the time the spring clean is done. Not only will you need it for doing the floor, behind the TV and furniture and the stairs – it’s also going to be put to work on fireplaces, around doorways, behind loos and radiators. Make use of all the extra kit your vacuum comes with and you should be able to reach the tightest areas in the house.
For large expanses of carpet, sprinkle with a carpet cleaning powder or baking soda for as long as possible (overnight, ideally) and vacuum up. This will clean and soak up odours at the same time.
In the nooks and crannies, a brush and dustpan can also be very handy. The bristles are great at dislodging stubborn debris and are really useful in the kitchen and bathroom where the floor can get too damp for vacuum cleaners.
When it comes to the mop, we are fans of the steam mop which you can pick up for around £30 or so. These blast floors with ultra-hot steam taking the grubbiest of spots with them and sterilising the floor. Far better than a conventional mop.

It’s now time to pay attention to surfaces. Window sills, fireplaces, tables, counters, cabinets, TV stands – they all need wiping with a warm cloth and a polish.
For glass surfaces – clean with a damp cloth, which will reduce static electricity, and reduce the amount of dust it attracts.
Wood surfaces – use a damp cloth to clean, and a wood polish spray and dry dusting cloth to finish.
Painted surfaces – use a damp cloth and finish with a dry cloth.
Stainless steel surfaces – use a mild detergent and clean with damp cloth, and finish with a few drops of baby oil or WD40 and finish with a dry cloth.
Tiles, ceramic and Formica surfaces – use an all-purpose cleaner and wipe with damp cloth.
Marble surfaces – a very mild soap with a damp cloth should do. Clean spillages straight away, and spray monthly with a sealant.

At this point, you’ll probably be aching, tired and done with cleaning. Run yourself a well-deserved bath, order a takeaway and enjoy a relaxing evening in your clean and tidy home.

For help with cleaning at home or at work, Jaycloth Cleaning is a professional cleaning company who cover Manchester and Cheshire. Contact them here, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for cleaning tips and know how!