Universal Credits is the new benefit replacing all existing benefits for people out of work or on low incomes
It will roll all the following benefits into one monthly payment:
Housing Benefit
Child Tax Benefit
Income Support
Working Tax Credit
Job Seekers Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance
Who Claims Them?
All new claims to benefits will be under the new system, dependant of the area you live existing claimants of benefit maybe asked to claim under the Universal Credit system
There are no limits to the number of hours a week you work, the amount you are entitled to will be reduced by the amount you earn
How Do You Make A Claim?
All Claims are done online at https://www.gov.uk/apply-universal-credit
How Does it Work?
Day 1 – Claim
Day 7 – Assessment Date – From February 2018 this will be the same dates as the claim
Assessment Date + 1 Month -Payment Due
Payment Due + 7 Days – Payment made direct to bank
The amount you receive will be reduced by 63p for every £1 you earn
It is also reduced by £1 for every £1 you receive in benefits outside of universal tax credit such as SSP, State Pension & SMP
Child Benefit, Maintenance payments, DLA, Personal Independence Payments will not affect any payment
Savings above £6,000 will reduce the entitlement by £4.35 for every £250 over £6,000
There is no entitlement if you have savings above £16,000
Capped at average earnings per month – £2,167 couples/lone parents £1,517 singles