Are you proud of where you work? I know I am.
It’s not often we think about that but last week Merrick was fortunate enough to be nominated in the family law category of this year’s Talk of Manchester awards #TOMs.
And this week marks the 30th anniversary of my working life in Manchester. It was 3 October 1988 when as a rookie lawyer I joined the firm of Grover Smith & Moss to complete my articles.
It seems like a lifetime ago, but also like it was only yesterday.
The Manchester of those earlier years was undoubtedly a northern city with some clout.
Together we have since gratefully survived the three bomb attacks (at my desk for the first two) and Madchester. We have commiserated the failed Olympic bid and celebrated the Commonwealth Games. And always United during the downs as well as the ups!
Upwards and outwards
Today the city has become an economic juggernaut that continually spreads upwards and outwards. A fact that is clearly reflected in this year’s 30+ categories and 250+ #TOMs nominations.
Some of the sector industries included weren’t around three decades ago, never mind the individual companies that are shortlisted.
Given the challenges currently faced by lots of businesses I am particularly struck by the ‘entrepreneurs’ sections. Firstly, because it’s such a burgeoning collection. A quick Google search throws up profiles of people doing great in advertising, fashion, technology, travel and many other areas.
Secondly, the award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year. We all know girls are the equal of boys, right, but sometimes we have to work harder and shout that bit louder to get ourselves noticed.
Perhaps no surprise then that Manchester is a city brimming with excellent female businesswomen; the legal sector particularly enjoying more than its fair share. But even so it’s always nice when those achievements are recognised.
So as someone proud to call Manchester home and who has a long working relationship with the city, I’d like to say, you’re simply the best!
And to those women whose business acumen has been recognised in the #TOMs this year it’s a helluva big bravo from me. There’s more of you around than 30 years ago and I’ll definitely be raising a glass to that on awards night in December!
Amanda J Merrick